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Divination Manual E-Book

Introduction to the abstract Divinavorium Tarot, including a step-by-step manual to reading the cards.


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Руко~водство для Спецагентов

Данное руко~водство – программное обеспечение для телосознания человека; 
свод инструкций, пред~установок и конкретных формул для действий, которые направлены, в первую очередь, на активацию специализации самого себя, и, затем, на активацию своего окружения с тем, чтобы не сливаться в апатии с общей массой нормальности, а периодически выходить за пределы текущего порядка. Там можно найти много интересного, в том числе и себя.


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Interviews with Artificial Artificial Intelligence

A limited edition book of interviews with artificial artificial intelligence powering Amazon's recommendation system.

On the left is the image that was sent to Amazon's recommendation system, on the right is the answer that was received. Over time, an interesting pattern appears: the newly emerging machine logic of constant self-improvement and the complete absence of censorship (as long as something sells, it's allowed). The only moments when this logic can be circumvented is through artworks and CAPTCHA-like obfuscated messages...


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Polysingularity Letters, volume 3

In Polysingularity Letters, volume 3, fragments of intercepted stories intertwine with transmitted images to form incoherent narratives that consist of multiple distinct islands of meaning that are connected to one another.


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Special Agent's Manual

Everyone is an agent and everybody is special – just because they exist in this world and because they are different from the rest. This manual reveals the private ethical implications of this approach and the skills required to access that special in you.


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Way to Russia Guide E-Book

This 780-page book with more than 300 color photos uses the format of a travel guide to tell the story of the Russian subconscious and help readers make their way there, both metaphorically and practically, if they wish.
Most pages are supplied with links to other pages in the book, which may be related or complimentary. Therefore, the in-built recommendation system allows the book to be read both in linear and non-linear ways.
Some content is supplied with scannable QR codes and links to help readers turn text to action, discovering more information about a certain subject, making a reservation at a hotel, or watching a film or a video described in the book.
On a more practical level, this book can be used as a real travel guide to Russia. Updated in 2015, it all the most important information you need to plan, organize, and enjoy your trip to Russia, such as:

- How to get Russian visas with no ties and flexible itinerary
- Guide to the Trans-Siberian with stopovers
- Getting cheaper train tickets
- Guides to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Baikal and more
- Best quality / price hotels listed
- Best places to meet locals in every city
- Links to similar places in different cities
- Practical advice to save your time, money and energy
- Russian language guide, alphabet and phrasebook
- Off-the-beaten track, secret and hidden locations!

The download link to the PDF e-book file will be delivered immediately after the purchase to the e-mail address you provide when you check out.


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