Divination Manual E-Book SKU: 130648

Introduction to the abstract Divinavorium Tarot, including a step-by-step manual to reading the cards.


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Divination is defined as a search for knowledge using supernatural means. The notion itself is related to the “divine”, something that is “of God”.

Every divinatory system is an effective and self-sufficient story-telling device. It consists of a set of symbols (Tarot cards, astrological signs, I Ching patterns). Every symbol makes sense, but the overall meaning emerges when those symbols are put in relation to one another.

Relations between the symbols are organized in a very specific way. First, there is the chronological connection (one symbol is followed by another). Then there are also connections between the symbols interlinking the different parts of the narrative structure (e.g. the very beginning to the very end). If the emerging relational structure of divinational narrative isrepresented as a network, it has a helix-like shape similar to the shape of a DNA molecule. This may be the “divine” link: using the basic organizational principle of life to produce life-changing narrative structures.